florence   cherif
florence cherif

Lost and found



Photography by Fabio Nosotti

Make-up & Hair by Laura Martucci   Lyrics by Stefano Bortolussi

Thanks to  Boom Models, Milano, and Ivana Cadei


Vast and empty is the space that

surrounds her, and desolate : she doesn’t

recognize it, she feels small at its

center, disoriented in this unihabited

prison, in its sentence of loneliness,


her black-encircled eyes apparently

asking for help, beseeching,


the slender lines of her body adhering

to the walls, looking to match

 the austere geometries of absence,

 her hands trying to draw signals

 that she’s the only one to see –

 the window seems to offer shelter

in its narrow spaces but it’s just

 an illusion, a repetition of the bigger

 picture, a cell facing darkness :

the doors are pokey passages  

ready to swallow
  her helpless nudity,  

the light paints bars on the walls,  

and what at first seemed  

a bed worthy of a queen

is just a hard,  

flat, unforgiving surface :


 but right when everything seems lost


in this gloomy palace of decay  


safety reveals itself

in the sculpted shapes, akin to her  

in their pliant graces, broken like she is

at first glance but deeply alive


because they speak of beauty :

she feels their touch and  

knows she’s not alone .


All images and texts are copyright protected. Fabio Nosotti photography 2016.